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Captain Radio
Submission Guidelines

[Adapted from Radio Drama Revival Submission Guidelines to facilitate program audition consistency between the two collaborating sites.]

Captain Radio™ (CR) is dedicated to showcasing quality contemporary audio content using the values of the Golden Age of Radio and the improvements offered in modern recording, editing and production technology. However, CR has a definite nostalgic streak, so some actual or stylistic Old-Time Radio (OTR) might appear as well. CR wants to show encouragement to emerging production troops as well as to some otherwise limited exposure production categories, such as inspirational or ethnic.

By "quality," we mean work that we feel effectively showcases the vitality of the audio medium. This means making the best production effort possible to achieve broadcast standards of audio recording quality, music, sound effects, dialogue, mixing, and most importantly – story. CR considers "story" to consist of plot and character so tightly intertwined that they wholistically compliment each other as they tell a satisfying tale not soon forgotten.

In the role of drama producer, CR is relatively new to the scene and knows that story can falter without clarity and good technique. Before you submit to CR, we encourage (especially new) producers to let others whose opinions they respect listen to the production and thereafter to offer feedback on such important matters as audio sound levels, foreign voices or geographical or historical dialects, and the general ease with which a listener can keep up with, or understand clearly, what's happening throughout. If CR gets a good story with some momentary rough technique, you might get a phone call or email to see if the rough edges can be smoothed out and the revision re-submitted for podcast.

For most of our channels, CR is particularly excited by work that shows maturing command of the audio medium and that creates a uniquely audio experience – something that would not be quite the same in print, film, or stage. CR's First Sound channel gives brand new producers somewhat more flexibility to "show what they got" and to get both CR and audience feedback in the process.

What Do We Want?

CR's 5th Dimension channels want audio that is story-centric, regardless of genre. Comedy, drama, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, theological fiction, and cultural and ethnic fiction. While challenging subject matter is encouraged, CR believes good-storytelling does not rely on demagoguery, severe stereotypes, or gratuitous violence, language, or sex. We will feature quality series or mini-series work as well as one-off storytelling.

Specific channels have additional programming guidelines or criteria:

Audio Drama Showcase
Programs that run approximately twenty (20) minutes to feature length. CR may also include filler interviews with the producer and/or writers and actors much as a DVD movie might include Special Features. This channel most closely resembles the Radio Drama Revival (RDR) weekly podcast, but does not limit longer productions to half-hour segments.

First Sound
Essentially the same criteria as Audio Drama Showcase, only this channel highlights producer first efforts.

The Sound of Light
Essentially the same criteria as Audio Drama Showcase but emphasizing inspirational drama. With all the religious audio and video content already available, CR wants to focus this channel on the exploration of faith either on fire or under fire, that is, seeking through dramatic story-telling the genuine inspirational value of believing in something positive and worthy. Obvious preaching and cultural/religious put-down will not be considered, while realistic struggles to reach peace within and without through testing and validation of positive ethical and moral ideals will score high marks. Real truth can be shown to endure, be strengthened by, and supercede sincere doubts regardless of labels. Given abounding divisiveness in the world, the Sound of Light offers up the challenge positively to re-integrate the soul and the spirit. Enough said!

One-off programs or pieces that run less than approximately twenty (20) minutes. Unlike other 5th Dimension channels, these might include scenes, experimental audio, audio poetry, and possibly essays on audio literary and dramatic art. Montage will provide links to individual segments as well as original CR-hosted Montage programs that weave together the shorter works into a half-hour podcast format. Shorter "first sound" efforts would also be featured here.

Welcome to Captain Radio™'s personal workshop! In addition to his first series effort, Captain Radio™ in the 5th Dimension, CR plans to create additional series pilot episodes, then seek both public and private underwriting to continue development of each series. The Captain will experience his share of production sprints and stumbles along the way, but you're always welcome to join him and even to cheer him on as it all unfolds CR5D. For now this channel will likely not feature the work of others (well-intentioned spoofs excepted!). However, should any of the series become popular enough, CR may publish series guidelines that permit writers to submit spec scripts.

How do we want it?

CR prefers full audio MP3/digital submissions. You can provide a download web link or a large file transfer service link, such as to YouSendIt, DropBox, etc. Please use the online form below and include the URL link necessary. As a result of a collaboration agreement with the highly respected Radio Drama Revival site, you also get considered for possible podcast there. Therefore, please note that you must grant both CR and RDR permission to podcast your work, and you must disclaim that your work is derivative of other work to the extent of violating copyright.

Optionally, please use the Program Description free-form space provided to give sufficient detail to facilitate reviews of, or interviews related to, your work. For example, mention circumstances and/or vision that led to creating the work as well as the names and contributions of key persons involved in the entire production, including crew and cast.

If you prefer to send CD's via snail mail, here’s the address to use:

Captain Radio™ Productions
ATTN: Audio Submissions
1101 Colby Ln
Cedar Park, TX 78613

What do you get?

You don’t get paid for re-broadcast on a Captain Radio™ channel or on RDR. However, you reach an audience of hundreds or even thousands of audio fans potentially worldwide. Also, every post features gratuitous links to the publisher’s website.

Podcasts are usually archived in perpetuity, but if for some reason you need the link taken down after a certain amount of time, that’s fine, just let us know.

Still want in on the action? Go for it! Complete our Program Submit Form.

Your personal information is sacred to us, so please read our Privacy Policy.